Tuesday 16 June 2015

Head hunters amalysis

Headhunters (2011) Poster

Head Hunters Analysis
Head Hunters(2011) is a comedic thriller directed by , whom also directed the Imitation Game.  In the USA Head Hunters made a gross profit of  $1,196,752 and $43,013 in the opening weekend making this film very profitable and successful.       

Through themes of insecurity and jealousy we follow the story of Roger Brown played  by Aksel Hennie and how his attempt of stealing a million dollar painting, puts a trained assassin on his trail.

The black humour presented throughout this film makes the target audience that with a mature understanding of modern society, this is due to the fact the jokes are particularly thoughtful and unique and younger audiences wouldn't comprehend the meaning. This is a nuance of the director as he had directed a few thrillers prior to Heads Hunters in a similar style. These intense captivating films have become a specific trade mark of Morten Tyldum as it is within his comfort zone.

This is a Norwegian film, with English subtitles, I felt that subtitles for this film imp articular made it more dramatic and intense; I don't feel it would have left the audience with the same emotions if it was an English film. This is because you have to read what every character is saying keeping you engaged through out the duration of the film, If you did not need this constant engagement to keep the story line I feel many people would not understand the complicated plot.

This film received mixed reviews however as the women are sexualised throughout. In the opening scene we are shown a woman naked in the shower and then we cut to the next scene were another woman is also naked involving in sexual intercourse with a man. Further more the third female character in the film is a prostitute which again depicts woman to be sexual objects and nothing more.