Monday 29 September 2014

Wasp and Soft comparison

Soft is a short film by Simon Ellis(2006). The genre of this short film is drama/social realism; this is displayed by the themes of suspense and jealousy. This film is set at the present time of when it was filmed and I feel the director wanted to present the emotions conceived in suburb neighborhoods through the insight into a fathers life and that of the neighborhood loud mouths.

At the beginning of the film the emphasis put on the sons cricket kit is clearly displayed by the father tripping over it, this foreshadows it being used for pain as the dad clearly shows his frustration towards it being in the way of his path.

Wasp is a short film by Andrea Arnold(2003). This likewise to Soft is a drama/social realism latticed film this is created by the themes of suspense, greed, poverty and betrayal. I feel the director wanted to present the struggles of single mums in modern society and how the benefit system isn't sufficient enough to support a family this is displayed by the kids repetitive scavenging for food and how they're willing to est the leftover of someone else that had just been dropped on the floor.

Furthermore throughout the duration of the film a close up shots of a single wasps are incorporated into the films, this was done to foreshadow how wasps create danger for the youngest baby. Wasp are feared in modern society and to other prey; their yellow and black stripes are there to warn of predators of their alkaline sting which causes a burning pain for s short period of time, this itself foreshadows that a dangerous occurrence will happen to the baby, i interpreted this as the baby often gazed at the wasp in amazement as his pre-maturity shows his incompetence to differentiate danger from safety.

I disliked the ending to both Soft and Wasp as what happens after the dramatic events in the last seconds is not unraveled this leaves me wondering on how the families are not, did she get the boy? Did he die? Did he get arrested? I have so many questions unanswered! However the suspense did keep me interested in the film as my attention was focused on the screen from start to finish which is a sign of  a good short film.

-By Robyn Matthews

Sunday 28 September 2014

My 60 second about me video

About me 60 second video review

I feel my 60 second video was a decent first attempt to film making. However, there are several things i could do to improve and develop my skills as a director and actress. First of all I need to develop editing skills that allow me to piece different clips together so i am not forced to do a continuous take. On the other hand this is down to the device I was using (Iphone 4s) and the video option doesn't allow you to make pauses.

The discussion through out my video was about my pets which i feel demonstrate my personality clearly however, more vocal could have been used with information as the purpose of the video was to inform my class mates of my life and background. The lighting in my video also was not a very good quality so my choice of video location in future will be changed based on the results from this first attempt.

At Worlds End film review

The film ‘The Worlds End’ is directed by Edgar Wright; it was also starred Simon Pegg as the main character, In addition Simon was co-writer of the film. A quick synopsis of the film is summarised by saying that five childhood friends reunite when their day life is stopped to relive the biggest bar crawl they ever endured together… and didn’t quite finish. However it becomes apparent that their childhood home of Newhaven isn’t quite the same and the 5 men become intwined with surviving and saving the world. The worlds end portays the themes of envy, regret, friendship,greed and jealousy. 
                One of the major themes of this film is: trauma, displayed by main character Gary (Simon Pegg). In the latter half of the film it becomes apparent that Gary is obsessed with finishing the crawl even if he dies trying. He expressed this night 20 years ago as the best night of his life and since he had finished school feels his life has gone nowhere. Gary had associated this night with his happiness and well being, therefore, is adamant on succeeding in his fight for a better life. I feel this film is insightful into the mind of persons who suffer mental disorders as it shows the capabilities of a persons will power. This film also demonstrates the difference between reality and a persons utopia built on distorted memories of the past.
                I feel ‘The Worlds End’ is very similar to the film ‘Sean of the Dead’ which was also directed by Edgar wright and features Simon Pegg. I have come to this conclusion as ‘Sean of the Dead’ as shows signs of Shaun(Simon Pegg) trying to relive his past with his ex partner, Liz. He feels she was the answer to all his problems and is the only one who can restor his happiness like the pub crawl for Gary. Furthermore both films feature the attack of zombies this creates a thrilling aspect to the films and creates suspense and tension. Both films are categories under comedy/horror’s which also creates similarities.
                In conclusion I feel ‘The Worlds End’ is a brilliant film that entertains me, however, I feel more conflict could have occurred between the group of friends to elongate the film and create additional drama and tension.