Tuesday 11 November 2014

Film Studies Robyn Matthews 11/11/2014
My Proposal
The film I have chosen to do my essay on and analyse is Nebraska directed(2013) by Alexander Payne. I feel this is a good film as it involves a lot of context and is relevant to many real life synarios. It explores the affects of mental illness on an elderly man and how this psychological problem is his way of showing his fear of death.

The particular scene I had chosen is quite comedic. It is where they are at a railway tracks looking for the old man's teeth with his son. They both participate in a jokingly feud involving a lot of dark humour. I feel this scene is significant as it shows how these common illnesses can easily be jokes about by their hosts as they have learnt to live with them; I also feel this scene is perfect for my analysis as it is easy to recreate. This is because there isn't any CGI used or special affects that will be hard to recreate with the facilities given. The black and white film used will also give me a lot of substance to discuss and talk about in my analysis. Alexander Payne is also a popular director and allows me to have a variety of film to compare Nebraska to.

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