Thursday 4 December 2014

My second Proposal

Documentary about the personal life and experiences of my cat. My documentary is going to be about the attitudinal problems of my cat and how he is affected everyday about his habitat and surroundings and how dependant his life is on others around him. He will be followed over a series of days and this will give us an inside into what he gets up to.

I am going to film this at home and i will use a variety of shot sizes. The most common one that i will be using is the over the shoulder shot as this will give a perspective from his point of view and allow the viewer to emphasise his situation.

This is going to be a collection of various shots and sizes exploring his daily activities whether it's eating, sleep or lying around. I am going to add some audio into the background as an accompliment. I aim to find a piece of classical music on my laptop as I feel this will create a comedic value for the silent movie. Further more to add plot to my short film I intend to start with a shot of a dvd being posted through the letter box and then this will be played on my television. Essential you will be watching an inception of films.

I also plan to create a climax to my plot to give the film debth and substance. As this is a silent movie I am going to have to be very particular with my shots and where I order them to convey the situation. I plan to display Biscuits death at the end of the film and this will be caused by an obect falling onto him.

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