Friday 30 January 2015

As film script

Robyn Matthews As Film Script

Shot one: Opening credits, music compliment to shot.
                                                                        Scene one: Front room

Shot two: Mid shot of front door. To get a clear view of the dvd being posted. Shot then moves forward to a close up of the DVD.
Shot three: Mid shot of DVD case being opened and DVD removed and placed in DVD player.
Shot four: Close up of television. (Broken record sound affect, music compliment stops).

                                                                        Scene Two: Garden

Shot four: Worm shot of garden looking towards house progresses towards cat flap. (Foot steps sound affects).
Shot five: Close up of digital clock. (Crickets sound affects)

                                                                        Scene Three: Daily life

Shot five: Long shot from above. (Different music begins)
Biscuit: “Never a moment of peace in this house!”
Shot six: Over the shoulder shot of Biscuit.
Biscuit: “All these cameras following me about”
Shot seven: Birdseye view of kitchen floor. Cat food poured over floor.
Biscuit: “No. No. No. What are you doing? I’m hungry but that is really unsanitary I mean seriously… Gosh humans are so stupid!”
Shot eight: Long shot of Biscuit in garden
Biscuit: “Pretends to stare deeply in distance in hopes these fools leave me alone”
Shot nine: Long shot of Biscuit sitting on table
Biscuit: “Ok the classic sit on table this will annoy them”
Shot ten: Long shot of biscuit in kitchen.
Shot eleven: Wide shot of Biscuit lying sideways
Biscuit: “BALL! AAHH!!
Shot twelve: Worm shot, Biscuit plays with mouse toy.
Biscuit: Hehehe mouse hahaha so funny I’m dying ahh
Shot thirteen: Close up of Biscuits face
Shot fourteen: Long shot of biscuit on the table.
Shot fifteen: Birdseye view of Biscuit eating
Biscuit: “God I eat too much might get diebeties,ahh well you get nine lives for a reason!”
Shot sixteen: Wide shot of Biscuit jumping through window , pans out to the right.
Biscuit: “lost about seven lives doing this stunt or was it eight ahh doesn’t matter?”

                                                                        Scene Four: The accident

Shot seventeen: Close up of calendar displaying text ‘The accident’
Shot eighteen: Mid shot of murderer picking up washing.
Shot nineteen: Long shot of biscuit walking up stair
Back to an upwards long shot of murderer walking down the stairs. Finishing in blackout.
Shot twenty: Wide shot of bedroom (Previous music stops, Church bell music compliment)
 Shot twenty one: Worm shot looking up the stairs
Shot twenty two: Birds eye view of kitchen flooring
Shot twenty three: Mid shot of stairs
Shot twenty four: Mid shot of dining room


  1. I felt this script was really informative and it made your story really come to life. The only thing I would say is maybe show a drawn version of what you are writing so it can visually show you, but overall it is a very detailed script.

  2. I felt this script was really informative and it made your story really come to life. The only thing I would say is maybe show a drawn version of what you are writing so it can visually show you, but overall it is a very detailed script.
