Thursday 27 August 2015

Summer homework #1

Anne Hathaway:


Actress Anne Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York, on November 12, 1982. As a youngster, she was accepted into The Barrow Group theater company. In 1999, she got her first big break on the short-lived television series Get RealShortly after the series ended, Hathaway took landed the role that made her famous, playing Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries(2001)


This really was seen to be the starting point of her career, the young actress at the time depicted the character of a young princess whom wasn't aware of her own identity. A innocent girl was seen on screen and this ignighted her successful acting career and in future was to land the roles of cat woman, and star as a french prostitute in the award winning remake of the music 'Les Miserables'


Hathaway generally portrays the characters of strong willed, independant women. For example cat woman is widely know to be the villian in the classic batman movies and comic books. When Hathaway played catwoman in"the dark knight rises" (2012) she brought sex appeall to the placona and displays her independance through her mischeif and structured schemes. She even manages to surprise batman. 

Futhermore, in Interstella(2014) Amelia Brand is the chief scientist/biologist of the expedition being sent through the wormhole attempting to relocate the human race. Anne plays Amelia Brand which evidently supports the view of her generally being castes to play strong female leads. 

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